Originally Posted by theunchosen
By the idea of grams per gallon the scooters can still escape virtually with no emissions controls.
Bingo - and why it's important to have statistical controls.
Originally Posted by theunchosen
That said every car converts fuel to heat and emissions of some sort.
Emissions controls reduce that to acceptable levels.
Agreed and Agreed
Originally Posted by theunchosen
High MPG vehicles have less total emissions to weed out than teen MPGers because they have greater MPG, therefore less fuel consumed per distance traveled, therefore less emissions total created, therefore less emissions to weed out to slip in under the standards.
Disagree - the scooter scenario. High mpg, some have terrible emissions. I've been taking a peek - some are actually better, others are terrible.
Originally Posted by theunchosen
For diesels there might not be a case, because diesel controls might not cost you any MPG. I don't drive one and haven't had the opportunity to rip it out and try it.
Let me put this angle on it.... As an engineer, I see these standards as a design challenge. A challenge requiring an elegant and intelligent solution. Historically (engineering wise), engineers are at their best when there's a problem. And when we don't have problems we either make them or have marketers explain to you (end user) that you have a problem, but didn't know until now. CAFE 35 b 2020, TierII, etc. etc. These are design challenges to put fire under the asses of people like me, who are otherwise lazy and will continue status quo.... And to quote Dr. Horrible, "The Status is Not, Quo"
My final tidbit in reference to your earlier post - Diesel is no more a by product of crude than gasoline is
A barrel of crude has an approximate affinity to make X motor gas, Y diesel, Z Kerosene, etc. etc. The proportion of which depends on the oil itself, distillation process, etc.