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Old 12-02-2008, 09:51 PM   #8 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Ithaca, NY
Posts: 34

Low Roller - '94 Honda Civic VX
90 day: 52.85 mpg (US)
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Like basjoos said, the 165s are actually the stock the odometer was off before and is correct now (I checked it on the hwy). I think the 165s are a couple of pounds lighter, which helps in the city. I find the handling is fine with the sumitomos...not amazing, but I dont ask the car to do too much. The skinnier tires are better in the snow too, I can tell the difference. Last winter with the wider and partially worn down tires on the back, I had the back end slide out around a corner. It was a downhill slope and there was no weight in the back. the back of the car is very light when the tank is empty. I was only going 10 mph! So now if I have any weight I put it in the way back, when the roads are snowy.
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