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Old 12-04-2008, 12:28 PM   #79 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by theunchosen View Post
Congress is not going to get the emissions protocols any lower on plants or refineries...
I disagree - because it's been done already In any case, the last time more strict standards were proposed was about a month ago

I'm not asking for 125% control - and I'd appreciate it if you didn't put words in my mouth

I would like to see, in the big picture, emissions go down. Be that with emissions controls or with R&D for more efficient processing. Steel used to be incredibly inefficient to make (by comparison to today) - until someone found a better way which resulted in cheaper manufacturing and created industry.

You don't need to doom and gloom about investors bailing and job losses when someone asks for higher efficiency Plenty of companies have/are reaped/reaping the benefits from it For example, the estimated savings from upgrading efficiency - $7 million per year 04/30/2008: Petroleum Refineries to Take Steps to Reduce Air Pollution

The agency expects over the next five years, that the final standards for new process units will reduce the combined emissions of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen oxides from 30 petroleum refineries by nearly 31,000 tons per year. The cost savings from energy recovery associated with these amendments is estimated to be about $7 million per year.

The standards also include options for controlling emissions through work practices.
I just did a quick search for refineries AND 2008 on the EPA's website and clicked the first thing that looked related to emissions
Cars have not created a new problem. They merely made more urgent the necessity to solve existing ones.
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