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Old 12-05-2008, 12:28 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by roflwaffle View Post
I don't see how that's possible in a vehicle built within the past few decades w/ working seatbelts...I can't see how it could happen otherwise.
Fair enough, but like I said, Carl was/is still a crash investigator, working real cases involving real people with real injuries. Only you can decide how to weight the information I've shared.

I understand you being skepticle, but I encourage you (and everyone for that matter) to search youtube for some high speed camera crash footage, and watch the crash dummy's head and neck. Even at relatively low speeds, it's incredible the amount of fore and aft movement that happens. Containing a human body with seat belts is sort of like mastering the baloon toss at the church picnic. The belts aren't designed to stop a body without some give, which is why they are made of nylon diagonal web, they give quite a bit, and you want that. Interior designers pay close attention to even the sun visors. Ever notice how compliant they are? That's by design, for safety.

Anyhow, I love wink mirrors for the outstanding rear view (also safety). If someone would reintroduce them with a different design, one rigid enough to not vibrate and jiggle, yet compliant enough so it wouldn't harm me if I smacked it in a crash, I'd put one in the Metro in a minute.
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