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Old 12-08-2008, 10:44 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Clev View Post
Ay... must... avoid... flamewar...
Sorry if anybody interpreted my message as such. I didn't wanted that. I was also confessing that I can have dangerous behavior myself...

Very little can distract myself so I decided to never use a phone when I'm driving. This is what I was attempting to express. I'm also only earing the radio/music, not listening to it, this is why I never listen to talking shows while driving. The only moments I'm listening to the radio is during traffic flash (2 minutes every half hour) on highways (a dozen times per year). This is why I have to pause during 1/4 hour every 2 hours when I'm driving so long.

Once I was driving one people and after a while I totally "disconnected" from him. He counted loudly up to 200 before I realized what he was doing...

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megane : thread - kill switch.
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