Hopefully a mild advance (5 degrees) won't ruin the torque - not much there to begin with
I wonder how much the 5 degree -retard- affected efficiency and speed, it didn't seem too bad, considering the 3.5 HP rating.
I have a fairly complete record of how fast it goes, how many wh/mile, accel amps, and even a movie of the brushes under load. I'll compare the old data with the new setup.
Here are the numbers I hope to improve -
* Acceleration (25 MPH @ 7.5 seconds)
* Top speed (33/36 MPH) (36 field weakening active)
* Power use (250 wh/mi)
Best outcome - (more efficient, faster)
< 7.5 sec; > 33/36 MPH; < 250wh/mi
Worst outcome - (less efficient, slower)
> 7.5 sec; < 33/36 MPH; > 250 wh/mi
Acceptable outcome - (as predicted by some - somewhat faster, no efficiency change)
~ 7.5 sec; > 33/36 MPH; = 250 wh/mile