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Old 12-10-2008, 09:17 PM   #48 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: indiana
Posts: 233

Iwishthiswasamanual - '98 Ford Escort ZX2
90 day: 32.95 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by Tygen1 View Post
Why so concerned about your gas log average? Your doing great, you already have a tank over 40mpg with a lightly modified ATX, I think that is really good. It may be small potatos around here, but in the realm of what you have, it's excellent. Most ZX2 drop to under 30mpg in the winter anyhow.
I've put some time and thought into your question about the lockup torque converter and shifting earlier into fourth. Did quite a bit of searching and I believe it will be quite easy to make it lock up when ever you desire. I'm still trying to nail down the exact input voltage requirements, when I do, I will post up how to do it, of course after I try and get it working on my car. Getting it to shift into fourth earlier, will take a bit more effort, but it can be done similarly. I've got a dual motive here. I need better mpg's and a lower ET at the drag strip. I need to hold first past 6,000 rpm so when it shifts to second it is still in the meat of the power, and if I can get into fourth sooner, I got the power to pull it down around 30mph, so that ought to help mpg's quite a bit also. Basically I'm talking about making a box that allows you to manually shift your ATX. I know it's been done on other cars, not the ZX2 that I know of. I don't believe this will be complicated or expensive...
BTW, you really need to read COZX2's posts on Gassavers, he really did his ZX2 up nice.
...not to sound like a noob.



If I could get into fourth gear earlier my gas mileage would improve so much. I have to hold it and push it so long to get it to shift most of the time if I'm not going straight to 55. Even trying to get up to 55 it can really push the throttle up to get it to shift.

I couldn't imagine getting into 4th at like 35. City driving would be better than highway!

Also, don't think my has mud flaps at all? None that I've ever seen of at least.
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