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Old 12-11-2008, 05:13 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Skeeter - '05 Toyota Corolla LE
90 day: 35.55 mpg (US)
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Here's some pics:

This is the front of the ECU (ECM as toyota calls it). As taken by my phone, upsidedown, about 6" from the floor which makes it pretty darn awkward to work on.

Here's where the ECU is located from a more upright position:

Do you see it? Me neither. Took me almost 20 minutes to track it down by following the bundles. And then there's the "clips" that hold a cover over it that took another 10 minutes to remove (it appears they were designed to be 1 directional).

I don't know if the pinout image I have is positioned upside down or not, without a flashlight to be certain, but it looks like it is. I was going to try to put a regular wire next to the ECU wires for comparison, but no light = fail. The next problem, or rather the pre-curring problem, is that the wires are bundled so tightly I don't know if I can separate them enough to actually get in there to tap them without starting a fire.

But that's slightly easier to get to than the fuse box... What ever happened to cars being easy to maintain?
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