Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView
engine is made from different materials that resist corrosion and the electronics do the timing stuff. but you loose a lot of mpg's from using E85. they're built to run on gas, but can run on E 85 or anything between. its pretty much a waste.
My thinking is, if you built an engine specifically to run on E85, you could get just as much power and fuel economy as a gasoline engine by using much more compression. E85 can't match the energy density of gasoline, but it's advantage is it's much higher octane rating (104). That's why I don't get the point of flex fuel engines, these two fuels are really apples and oranges.
Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView
I had a good link once, gotta find it though.
AFDC Ethanol: E85 Fueling Station Locations