The Scion club I am part of Scikotics ... has a monthly Ride of the Month.
Here is how it works;
Members submit their entry for the month, the moderator chooses the top 4 and then the top 4 are submitted to public voting through a thread poll open for a specific amount of time.
In that thread each entry submits their best photos plus a description of their vehicle to the best of their abilities. The winner get recognition at the home page of the website.
A similar format can be used here for this. Previous winners cannot re-enter for 1 year, however we can reduce that time based on participation, etc ...
Sounds like fun .. I look forward to entering my finished front end .. someday ..
Thx NoCO2; "The biggest FE mod you can make is to adjust the nut behind the wheel"
I am a precisional instrument of speed and aeromatics
If your knees bent in the opposite direction......what would a chair look like???