Originally Posted by Christ
You should handle that... especially if you have to use higher than piss-water octane.
Basically, if you can't run on 87 octane, part of the reason could be b/c you're burning small amounts of contaminants in your intake due to a clogged/impassable PCV system.
For the few dollars it costs to diagnose/fix, you could get like 10% better mileage out of it. It's worth looking into.
Nah, the jeep runs on 87 octane.
and it doesn't use a PVC system, it uses 2 CCV valves on the valve cover, one is clogged (the famous cloggy rear one) and the other isn't. excessive pressure causes the front one to spit oil into the intake, which gets sucked slowly into the throttle body.
I could fix it if I had money. not at the moment. oil change first. then fix oil filter elbow leak, then spend the 30 bucks on the new valve.