OK, after some further testing, I totally screwed up the Injector connection. How do I know this? Besides the logic of failing to follow the simple directions "connect on the ground side," I plugged it in this morning on the way to work and my engine started running like it had a seizure. The GPH data finally showed up, but was showing anywhere between .11 and .01 GPH while at a steady 1,000 RPM.
Yeah.... tapping into the wrong side of that line was shorting the injector so it was firing randomly. So, I'm going to disconnect that wire so I can test the VSS line because I'm guessing that the Injector line was fudging the whole thing up.
Since there's at least 2 wires that need to be changed now, any suggestions on how to remove the clamp taps? (kinda glad I didn't solder now) Also, any suggestions on running wires from the engine bay back to the cabin? Doesn't seem possible to get the ground side of the injector from the ECU.
*edit* - I double checked the components and they're all directionally correct.
Last edited by i_am_socket; 12-15-2008 at 04:29 PM..