Originally Posted by fanamingo
My frost plug style heater only pulls about 420 W, and that's plugged directly in the engine block.
Don't think frost plug style heater can be directly compared to tank heater. Frost plug heater only heats the engine block. Depending on how it's installed, a tank heater can potentially heat the entire cooling system.
The previously cited
pdf published by the manufacturer includes a table of recommended system capacities for the various watt tank heaters. The system should hold at least 26 quarts for a 1500 watt tank heater. (see attached)
It's covered in the links I previously cited, but still possibly worth noting that flow from the tank heater should not be routed through the heater core if the car uses a vacuum operated heater control valve. When you shut the engine off the - vacuum operated heater control valves are normally closed.