I had hoped the 'real time' trip and mileage computers put onto some of the well equiped newer cars would help with driver education... from my informal observations and talking with people who have them in their cars, I can't see any evidence they help.
When deciding on a location for my mpguino, I wanted it in a location where I would not have to look far from the road to monitor and improve my mileage. All the cars Ive seen with mpg displays have them in ridiculous places like down by the shifter, up on the roof, etc. If they were in a more useful place, they might get used just a little more.
On the other side of the argument, when gas prices were about $4/gal here, I saw a noticable reduction in average speeds on the freeways, and fewer impatient drivers.
Cars, Ive noticed nothing except a reduction of local traffic when it was $4.50 a gallon here. Nearly everybody still charged down the road like wild animals. But 18 wheelers did slow down quite a bit on the freeway. Now in the last couple weeks, especially this last weekend, 18 wheelers are flying down the freeway again, well over their 60 mph speed limit, plus its all winter now too which makes it more dangerous. Guess $3/gal diesel must be considered cheap to them.