taurus trans problem
odd trans problem, all of a sudden, my trans failed on me. no movement.
as if i was in neutral. i put it into R or D, it feels like N. there were no symptoms prior, it drove fine and smooth. no slipping etc.
it is a 99 taurus with the AX4N
i read in my axod-e book possible problems for no forward or reverse. it says the 3 possibilities:
1.low oil pressure
possible, havent checked, but it hasnt been too long ago since i replaced
the filter. could be a dead pump, i hope not.
2.low oil level
trans fluid is full
3.manual linkage broken,damaged, misaligned etc.
when i shift it into D or R, i feel the trans "jump" signifying it indeed is
anyone have any input of other possibles?
thanks in advance