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Old 12-19-2008, 11:02 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Why don't you walk, ride a bike, or build a cheap EV?

Going with the data off of the How many miles do you commute every day poll I made a while ago about average commutes for people. It shows that 28% of voters (15 people) are within reasonable biking range (0-10 total miles miles per day, or 5 miles one way). Additionally, 49% of EMers who voted (26 people) have a commute that is within reasonable cheap home brew EV range (0-25 miles or less, 12.5 one way).

My question is, why don't we have more people biking and/or building EVs? It kind of seems like a no brainer to me. Bikes are cheap (check your local craigslist), and its been shown that $1k and next to no knowledge of cars can get you a cheap EV. Why aren't we seeing more walking, biking and EVs? I dug and found out there are 31 biking entries, so maybe we are already doing great in that area.

I'm not trying to point fingers here. I'm honestly wondering why there isn't more going on. I know there will be things like winter weather to deal with that eliminates walking and biking for half the year for a lot of us, but the EVs can deal with that. This is really for the 49% who have a shorter commute, but what stops you from doing one of these options?

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