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Old 12-19-2008, 10:32 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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My conversion was $2200, and the only "lucky find" was a $125 old forklift motor. And that wasn't that lucky! You can find them easily for $300-$500. $12 deep cycle batteries are readily available, but they will only have like half of the range as when they were new. OK, so new real world costs of a 50 mile range freeway speed EV:

8v deep cycle batteries x18: $2300. (first choice on google search)
Used Forklift Motor: $500
144v 500 amp controller: $400 (hehe, once it's done!)
Curtis Pot: $79
Adapter Plate & coupler: $120 (homemade. It's sort of easy with semi-basic tools)
12 12v 10amp Harbor Freight Chargers: $360.
0 gauge copper cable: $150 (EASY to find on ebay)
Angle iron: $50
Gauges: $6 (harbor freight. easy to make ammeter and voltmeter).
Labor: $0. (I have never even changed my oil before doing it, and I payed no one anything! Now I drive all around the town, happy as a clown! But mine is a ghetto 72v system.)

Top speed would likely be 80 mph or more. Range would probably be around 50 miles (if you aren't going 80!).

Notice that if you use used batteries, the price drops A LOT!

Every price I stated is readily available (except controller) to anyone with the worst luck in the world.
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