We normally just use regular towels and throw them in the wash.
Having just left the kitchen, I remembered something we do that some don't.
Re-use small water bottles.
Those 16 or 20 ounce ones in the pack.
I rinse them in the sink and refill them and put them in the fridge so my Honey can have a nice cold water after work.
We will use them until the top becomes loose enough, to not be water tight any more, then recycle them.
Then we find another case on sale somewhere, (being down to four available I bought a case this morning, 24 16.5 oz. bottles for $2.45), and use them for another six months.
Yes it was before Aug that we last bought water.
So now instead of spending $3.00 to $4.00 a week on water we spend $2.50 to last us six more months.
just .02 more,