Thread: No EOC on S-10
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Old 12-22-2008, 03:12 AM   #1 (permalink)
The Atomic Ass
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No EOC on S-10

I had to move some large bits of wood from my parents this weekend, and ended up using my dad's S-10 for the job. Naturally, I tried a bunch of techniques I've been reading about, some I've even adapted to the bike...

But it did not like EOC one bit. It's a manual, but it would not bump start AT ALL. Nothing at all trying to bump start in higher gears, even though it did register engine speed on the tach, but it would not respond to the throttle. Even bumping it in lower gears to get the speed well above idle did nothing. At 2K rpms, it simply dragged the vehicle to a stop, even with me giving it a lot of throttle. After this, it also failed to restart with the key for 10-15 seconds. Not like it was flooded, but like it had no gas going to it at all.

Does this jive with anyone else's experience with Chevy's?

Also, I used my Autotap gear during the trip. Although it doesn't display actual fuel economy, it does show some interesting numbers. Would it be safe to say, that if I'm in a high gear, in "lug" territory, but my ignition advance is high, that I'm in good FE territory, as opposed to when the timing drops sharply, where I'm then lugging, that it's sucking gas? Although I managed good timing advance and vacuum numbers during some parts of the trip while in 5th, 5th gear feels like it's lugging at any load, any speed below 2K rpms...

Thanks for any input.

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