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Old 12-23-2008, 01:15 AM   #448 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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My EV is buried in over a foot of snow. I can't get out of our driveway! I have never seen weather like this in western Washington in my entire life! It's bizarre! My Kia is down by the street, and I took it out today. In my neighborhood there aren't too many cars, and no one outside, so I've been practicing my Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drifting around the corners. I almost ran into a ditch doing it when my wife was in the car. That would be awesome to try that in the EV, but it would be like 2 hours of shoveling to even get it out of the driveway. The only thing that's visible is the rear license plate. I opened the motor compartment (trunk. hehe) and everything was perfectly dry. so that's good.
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