Originally Posted by bikin' Ed
You can rant all you want about the customer's mpg comment, but perhaps you don't know the whole story. Perhaps he needs a big vehicle for work or hauling his kid's soccer team. She may be driving a Focus now, that they use whenever they can. In this case the FE of the Tarus isn't quite that of Focus and he would have been correct.
I drive a Dakota quad cab, should I be slapped too? Some of us have a genuine use for a larger vehicle. Would it be more eco friendly to have a fleet of vehicles so we have the correct one any circumstance?
We're not better than the rest of the world, nor were we sent to judge them. Especially this time of year, we should pause and practice compassion.
I think more of the rant comes from the fact that they started out looking at a Taurus, talking about fuel efficiency in a small vehicle, then test drove an Expedition(?).
It makes it seem as though they were there in the first place to get something more fuel efficient, then they turn around and test drive the 2nd largest vehicle Ford produces, with less than marginal EPA ratings.
On top of that, they left the Giant Diesel truck idling the whole time they were there... obviously, if they test drove something, and it was still running, it could have been turned off... granted, some drivers believe that if they're sitting a few minutes, it's a waste of gas to turn it off and back on... but for the 15-20 mins that you're test driving/evaluating a vehicle... that's ridiculous.