Awesome data - like the interesting low speed non-domed anomaly
glad I have my wonderful domed pizza pans
it would be good to understand how that Cd change impacted total drag
did they calculate it in any way a person could directly convert to FE for a similar car
it might help folks understand how significant wheel covers are or are not
.5 mpg improvement is terribly hard to tease out of real life - even with a scan gage
while I recommend smooth covers - I would hate to create too high of expectations
I do not think most modern cars will show a savings without a wind tunnel
wheel wells are tight and tires are flush (suvs and trucks maybe another story)
I attribute my results being more significant because of my large wheel wells & very recessed wheels
at least with the covers the air can re-establish which way it is supposed to be going

In fact I only tested and reported because I noticed a difference
I really did not expect to notice it when I installed them (thus my $20 budget for the design)
you are a man after my own heart (right down to the 44 psi

attached a picture of my set up - just like you described
Also took the picture in it's natural state (dirty), for those considering clear covers
what does it take to get this splatter - dust, rust and a puddle
clear covers are best left for concept cars