thank you kindly for the responses.
I actually do own a SGII, though I doubt I am using it to its fullest potential.
(I find it amusing that my MPG = 9999 while the engine is reving to slow the car down :lol: I try to avoid this, and neutral coast when able)
I have begun to price lexan and secure this to the grill itself to be flush with the body.
I was also thinking about the eye-sore wiper arms and how I could include them in an improvement scheme.
any material can be basically be used to make more smooth the hubcaps, eh? something shrinkable i would expect.
my best at 12 gallon/tank full is 460 miles, which roughly equates to 38MPG.
and that is mostly by slip streaming trucks.
when i first got the car, I did all driving regularly, no trucks, nothing extra, this car gets mid 20s MPG
yet when I had a prius for 3 days straight, same drive to work as usual, it registered 51 and 58 MPG receptively (to/from work) on each of the three days. I hold all cars to that standard.