Please excuse my ignorance. But why are many of your comments against modern TDI / Particulate Filter (PF) Diesels???
If Europe 20 to 25 years ago decided that Diesel Engines where the best answer to pollution and dependency to the producing fuel countries, in IHO I believe they had their reasons.
The result was, initially, highly polluted cities. But at the end, the European and Japanese manufacture where, due to restrictive anti-pollution laws, forced to engineer better and cleaner Diesel engines.
Why do you think that a Diesel engine without a PF and a Turbo is better ?
- It's common sense that Turbo-Diesel engines have a, more or less (edit) up to (/edit), 30% better efficiency, than a non-turbo diesel engine.
- Peugeot developed the particulate filter, which are now installed in all new Diesels. This is decreasing, year by year, the particulate pollution in our cities.
Now, why the heck would you take out these two pieces of a modern Diesel engine?
(edit) Beside that you would need to reprogram your engine control unit (ECU?) (/edit)
I would be grateful if you could answer these two questions without complicated technical explanations.