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Old 12-28-2008, 02:24 AM   #4 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I'm a Ford tech,and was asked by a salesman recently about installing HHO on a diesel.
I don't know alot about either,but one thing to get by would be the pressure in the intake tract.
Diesel's are turbocharged,and from what I know of HHO your not producing it at a large enough rate to overcome manifold pressures.
I figured at the very least a check valve would need to be installed.
And my understanding(I'm not a diesel tech mind you) of basic combustion is that you need more fuel during hard engine loads-
I thought diesels ran leaner during idle and cruise conditions.
They are running compression's in the range of 18 to 1 and up also,running too lean under load causes more heat than it can handle which melts pistons.
Maybe lean with HHO is good during load as the HHO provides the displaced fuel and aids in cylinder/air cooling similar to propane/meth injection?
I've only got basic knowledge in HHO and diesels,but this sounds interesting.
I've been meaning to build and tryout an HHO system in my wifes car. I have the scantool and tuning software to try some experiments.
Haven't gotten around to it yet.
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