I recently learned about this forum and haven't done any mods yet, but I'd like to when I have time and the weather gets warmer (no garage).
Why? just because I have the itch to mess with things and I like to make stuff.
I could go the horsepower route but I've lost most of my interest in that direction. I used to work on racecars and eventually lost my taste for the waste -customer cars that would go through many sets of tires in a weekend, a 1275cc mini cooper that got 8-10mpg on track, V8 cars getting 2mpg. Great fun, great sounds but ultimately too rich for me and I've gotten more interested in environmental issues and I left that line of work. For competition these days, I try to chase down any guy in spandex while I bike to/from work.
Ecomodding looks like a different way to play the game, but instead of trying to go faster I'm trying to go the same speed using less energy. I'm not going to drive 55mph everywhere, but can I go 70-75mph and get the same fuel efficiency that I would if I did drive 55... without spending thou$ands, of course.