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Old 02-04-2008, 01:08 AM   #21 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Location: Virginia, USA
Posts: 80

beamer - '91 bmw 318is
90 day: 32 mpg (US)
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For this to work good the ICE has to start with but a click of the starter, it shouldn't even take a full revolution, now some cars they just don't like starting full hot either, other cars appear to always take several cranks.

Then the car needs to be completely up to date on all of the regular and periodic and standard maintenance, I don't dare even think of cutting an engine off that might not start again lol.

And sure I've gotten stuck at an intersection before, it's one quick way to find out your car might not be the best for this, I do not know but unless my car starts real easy and every time I don't do it.

As for the how-to:
I study my intersections and I won't do it at one I am not familiar with. As a rule I like to first become intimately familiar with the pattern of the lights, then if I can't see the opposing light I watch the cars and I don't wait until the last second either... But the actual pattern to me is more important than anything else, follow and learn the pattern, that way I can start the engine more than right before mine going to turn green cuz that's too late.

For automatics:
I first put the gear lever in Park, turn ICE off and leave off for 5 seconds or so.
In this time cut off ALL electric stuff such as the fan and headlights, leave the turn signal on but take the foot off the brake.
Now turn the ignition back ON but don't start it, doing this OFF-ON with the pause gives the electronics a chance to cool off / warm back up.

Yes sir, I am a firm believer if I turn it off and right back to on this alone could be enough to give the computer the hiccups, to the car's electronics doing this process too fast would be like splashing some ice cold water on your face by surprise, so I always take my time, OFF pause pause pause ON (then more wait wait before starting).

Then usually about the time the last pattern before mine goes green (this can be seen when those cars get moving) I count from 1 to 10 at roughly the speed of passing seconds but maybe a little bit faster and then I start the engine. Yes sir, I don't normally wait for their light to turn yellow but if it does that is my absolute last clue, start it NOW!

Once the engine starts I put my foot on the brake, and engage D.
Then it's another second or two to make sure the transmission is fully engaged and has built up pressure, if done right the light turns green about now. If done wrong, well we hold up traffic lol

For manual the same thing applies except:
Put gear shifter in 1st, then ICE off, now release clutch and brake.
Depress brake and clutch fully, ICE on.

Other notes:
As I start to get moving or right before or soon after I turn on the fans and the headlights etc, this takes practice but make it quick and know the motions so you don't take your eyes off the road.

Hope that helps.

Last edited by 8307c4; 02-04-2008 at 01:23 AM..
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