diesel john
i like your idea about the battery voltage divider circuit for adding series voltage to sensors. it has given me ideas.
according to wiki, lean burn is beneficial because it reduces losses due to throttling the air and instead replaces this speed control method by leaning out the fuel. so for ideal efficiency you want to operate at WOT and control engine speed buy changing the air/fuel mixture.
we could use a variable resistor on the MAF sensor. opperation would be normal under closed loop control where lambda sensor "is god". at WOT, open loop control, the MAF is used and a variable resistor here would allow us to control the mixture.
my MAF is broken. it has lost calibration and the voltage is way too low so i am getting lack of power at WOT, too lean and the engine stalls. i am going to put a battery with voltage divider circuit in series with my broken MAF to try this same principle.