i've once used cardboard for wheel dams, they where coated heavily with pva glue and than a thick coat of paint... they never met any real wet weather, but they stood up to the occasional splash and even survived an impact on uneven ground... this did dent them wich exposed bare card, but that could have been repaired had they been permanent.
i think some sort of resin or thick coat of varnish or waterproof paint that could seal or even impregnate the material would make it similar to fiberglass...basically it would be the same : resin bonded fibers
this also reminds me of what we used to do as a kid in school with newspaper and wallpaper glue... glue soaked newspapers where draped over a support structure or balloon and allowed to dry... could cole in handy to mold round shapes... onse dry if can be sande and painted if you can tackle the waterproofing
aer·o·dy·nam·ics: the science of passing gass
*i can coast for miles and miles and miles*