No display on MPGuino LCD, just backlight
Quick history: I got my MPGuino assembled, and had to change the 7805 voltage regulator.
Sometime during the process of desoldering the LCD and resoldering I must have messed something up...
With the new 7805 the gauge worked, however I had intermittent freezes... Not constant just 1 per trip whereever I was going...
Well, the last time I used it the screen went blank. I had a backlight so I knew power was still getting to it.
I hooked it up to my computer and still the same thing - backlight, but no characters at all.
I touched the LCD and I saw the normal display, moved it and it went away.
So, I had placed a spacer in between my 2 boards, so I took it out. and the display stayed. Unless I moved the LCD a little.
My next step was to desolder the LCD again - and snug it onto the header, and re solder. Well, I couldn't separate the board, but I had all the solder off of it... I resoldered, and now I all I have is a backlight display with no characters....
I checked continuity between all 16 pins on both sides of the board, and it was good...
I ohm checked all 16 pins through both sides of the board. All read good.. 0.00 ohms.
So, I'm at a loss. It was working before I de and re soldered. It's like a line or pin broke which delivers the info to the LCD, but all the pins check good... Any suggestions would be welcome...