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Old 01-04-2009, 12:43 AM   #108 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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Current limiting implemented!

I thought I cooked the current sensor, but it still works! Bam! The specs say you can store the dang thing at 180 degC! That should have been a clue that it's sort of big, bad, and feisty!

So, With the single mosfet, I powered the bike with limiting the current to 10 amps, and it seemed slower than with no current limiting, so then I changed it to limit the current to 1 amp, and the little wheel would barely turn! haha! The brakes were rubbing against the rim, so that stopped the poor little 1 amp from doing it's duty! haha! Current limiting is very empowering!

I like the current limiting! and it likes me back!

Plus, the switches are super clean and good and easy to use! Sort of sloppy still, but it's all good. The switch on the left is for the pre-charge resistor. The middle switch is for turning on the controller. The right switch is like the contactor in a car when you turn the key.

There's also a picture of the ATMega8 micro-controller being programmed IN SYSTEM!!! No more unplugging it! ya! I need to clean up the interface for the in system programming, hehehe... but whatever, Back off, you red-headed stepchild!
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