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Old 01-04-2009, 07:02 PM   #109 (permalink)
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Successful Test at 60 volts!

I rewrote the whole micro-controller program to clean things up a bit. Then I tested the single 100v mosfet controller at 12v, 24v, 36v, 48v, and 60v. It worked perfectly! I set the current limit to 5 amps. When I slowed the wheel down with my hand, you could hear the 4kHz tone get quieter as the current limiting was kicking in and automatically cutting back on the throttle. I would have tested it at 72v, but I ran out of those wire connector things that you can see in the picture, so I couldn't hook up the 6th battery! Oh, that makes me real mad inside!

I'm amazed at how low the amps can be at high voltage to still get excellent performance. It's also amazing that all that power is going through a single mosfet!

I attached the current version of the software, heavily commented.

I was thinking for a kit, buying the stuff in bulk would cut like $50-$100 off the $350 pricetag. I wonder if that will be possible.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF2511.JPG
Views:	945
Size:	121.7 KB
ID:	2507   Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF2510.JPG
Views:	1045
Size:	120.4 KB
ID:	2508  
Attached Files
File Type: txt PWMAndInputTest.txt (7.8 KB, 401 views)
kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 01-04-2009 at 09:46 PM.. Reason: Added software attachment
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