Test done!
Here are the results of what I tried:
max rpm was completely unrelated to current limit. 24v max rpm was twice as fast as 12v. 36v was too fast to count, so I'm guessing that 36v max rpm was 3 times as fast as 12v.
Torque (I used a spring!) was completely unrelated to voltage.
5 amp current limit stretched the spring about 1 inch for 12v test, 24v test, ... , and 60v test. I thought that more volts would have given more torque. Oh well. hehe.
10amp current limit stretched the spring about 2 inches for each of the 12v, 24v, ..., 60v tests.
So, I remember someone telling me this, but I never really was sure I believed it. Current <==> Torque. Voltage <==> MAX RPM!
So, for a given power, you can have higher top speed but lower torque, or lower top speed and higher torque.