I may have been misunderstood...
That looks like a 3-phase electric motor. What I want to know is where the DC from all of those batteries is changed into AC for the motor. Is there an inverter within the controller, or is that a separate box? If so, there would be more expense to the system. Also, does an AC controller vary the voltage, or the pulse width like a DC controller, or cycles per second???
Where can I go to learn more about all this???
If a simple inverter could be designed, and someone like MPaul come up with a controller that wasn't too expensive, then I'm thinking that instead of going with a small car to convert, I might do an S-10 and have the batteries to get the voltage up to where it would be able to run at highway speeds - whether I use AC or DC. By looking at Wayland's Datsun stuff, either way can be great fun!