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Old 01-06-2009, 05:22 PM   #10 (permalink)
Coyote X
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The new one looks much nicer mounted and stuff.

So the dash on my Astro is pretty well complete now. The gauges on the side are a tach and air bag control. The led that is pulled out of the dash is the torque converter lockup indicator and the mpguino sits in a box right below the temp gauge. I just need to glue something down so the box snaps in place instead of being held on with double sided tape.

Once I figure out why I am not getting a vss signal to the computer and fix that then it is setup and working again. Right now I can only use it as a gallons per hour display. Hopefully the vss controller in the ecm isn't burned out so it will be a minor fix to get it going.
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