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Old 01-06-2009, 08:07 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Question Does acceleration decrease with charge ?

I know - stupid question right ?
Of course acceleration decreases with battery charge

......or does it ?

I think back to my days as a kid with an R/C car. As the batteries weakened, the car would slow to a crawl.

However, I notice that the electric forklifts that I drive at work seem to go strong, right to the last charge bar on the meter.
( I notice that I can lift a full load even right before the machine finally goes to red. I assume that this requires quite a bit of electricity, but I realize that it is mainly using the hydraulics. I'm confused about how much power the batteries use in a situation like that. )

So I'm puzzled : With a full size electric car, do your 0-60 times drastically increase as the charge is depleated , or are electric cars built in such a way that the power stays pretty level as a safety feature.

I would hate to think that a 12 second 0-60 MPH electric car would become a dangerous 30 + second 0-60 MPH car once the batteries are near dead.

I'd really love to find out more about electrics, and this was one question that I was wanting to ask.

Thanks !

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