it's very difficult to judge aerodynamics by this 2d and fictional representation... it's quite likely the animator had a real windtunnel pic as a reference... than again, i've done a teaser website for an automotive company and i was pretty much left to my own device, but anyway
the thing with wakes and aerodynamics in general is that when it's judged by the untrained eye the things which seem right might cause more drag. i remember when i was younger i used to think the VW beetle would be far more aerodynamic than the square 80's cars on the road than because the beetle had such nice rounded shapes at the back... unfortunately the original, and new beetle for that matter, both have horrible aero, also a somewhat related but more sleek car the porche 911 with its pretty rear that almost slopes to the ground doesn't do that good aero wise, all benefit form a rather large vertical to upward swept spoiler, which decreases their drag (on the porche it's likely more for downforce to keep it from oversteering with the engine so far to the rear).
another example is the iconic saab 900 wich also has a sleek looking trunk that slopes down, but which in most cases received a big spoiler at the base of the rear windshield... which along with other aero aids reduced drag.
just about every car with a decent to exeptionally good Cd seems to have some sort of horizontal or slightly upswept surface at the end of the trunk or roof... on some cars this is the trunk on other a notch in the bodywork, and on yet others a soiler wich looks like it was added as an afterthought
aer·o·dy·nam·ics: the science of passing gass
*i can coast for miles and miles and miles*