Currently (hehe) I have a fixed throttle control, so that stepping on the accelerator really fast forces acceleration to be a little gentle. The main reason for this was to help with the current limiting, but I guess it would have the side benefit of not having the car lurch forward when you take off from a stop sign. I think it wouldn't be too hard to have the acceleration ramp-up adjustable with a little knob on the side of the controller (that secretly twists a pot inside the controller). Yes! It can be done! I just figured it out. That would be a nice feature. You can just hook up the pot to another A/D Converter channel (there are 5 or so).
You could also have an eco-knob (another glorified pot). Twisting it would adjust the current limit, from drag race to weenie mobile! (from terrible range to really good range). That wouldn't be very hard at all!
Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 01-07-2009 at 03:05 PM..