lunarhighway -
Originally Posted by lunarhighway
the problem with wheelskirts is that they can look odd on cars that weren't disigned to have them, especially since mewer cas have an increasing wide track which brings the wheels almost outside of the bodywork.
the shape of things like sidewindows could make tons of difference in how one precieves that "big wash" of metal 60's abd 70's citroens are good examples of "modern" cars with wheelskirts... but in the 40's and 50's theres plenty of inspireing examples... full 40's style wheel fairings could solve the problem of the whide track and give the wheels a visual presence without showing them.
a car like the citroen sm for example just wouldn't look right with exposed wheels
mow with a little imagination i could see a modern version of this
I agree 100%. Every time I see an older car, I take note of the narrow-track and how *easy* it would be to execute a good/clean/flush wheel skirt.
Also, the Citroen "tapered back" in boat-tail style, so the proportions are from a different design rule book.