1989 Chevy Celebrity 4 door - kammback ideas
Attached are some ideas I have been thinking about for the Celebrity, which is currently parked for the winter season. Obviously they are arranged from hardest to easiest.
The section over the trunk lid needs to be hinged so it folds away from the window, so I can open the trunk, I have attachment ideas. So anything more than the trunk lid part will need to a 2-piece deal. My bumper is heavy chromed steel with several attachment holes (for a VR body kit that was offered from the factory) so I can attach something lightweight with little worry. Lighting is not a concern, I can add lights and rewire with no problems.
Any thoughts or comments as to if any of these would be better? Or if there is anything different that would probably be better to try?

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver