Originally Posted by jomelmaldonado
For now I will be fine tuning the cruise control, but maybe in the future if I gather the money, I will like to hybridize my Swift, but that again will be in the future. Any new modifications I do will be posted in here. If any one of you knows of a suitable hub motor that could be adapted to each rear wheel and that is cost effective, please let me know. Thanks all of you for the help with tips and advices, I wish you all good luck in this 2009.
I've been thinking about adding a small E-assist motor to my Honda CRV.
I was considering manual control pots wired into the EV motor motor controller, logically ANDed with the output of the VSS, since I don't want to apply motor assist when the e-motor RPMs would be low (under 1,000 RPMs, out of it's efficient range).
But, after reading here, I thinking that, instead of applying E-assist manually, it might be a lot better to automate it and apply power as needed..
I've been thinking about using a lighter battery pack and trying to use regen a little more creatively. Like turning on a little regen charge-up when the car was getting good MPG. And, Turning on a bit more Regen when the car was getting great MPG..
So, when going down hills, the pack would be getting a charge all the time.
(The pack would be protected from over-charge by the controller).
And, applying 20 amps of assist power when the CRV was getting below average MPG ( <25 MPG). And use 40 amps if the CRV was only getting <20 MPG..
I would logically AND the e-assist signal with the a pack SOC signal, if the EV controller didn't have that function to protect the pack from over-discharging.
In other words, this thread has giving me a lot of ideas..

Keep up the good work!
Kelly Controllers has a bunch of new Hub motors for scooters..
Some may not be too small for your application.?.