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Old 01-11-2009, 11:29 PM   #31 (permalink)
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bbjsw10 - '91 Geo Metro Xfi
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Originally Posted by brucepick View Post
Hmm? If your tranny is a standard, I'm pretty sure that bump starting gets around most concerns re. battery issues. I usually bump start in top gear so it doesn't spin the engine very fast. I don't need to let out clutch fully either - just enough so the engine starts spinning, then push down again. Then shift into appropriate gear for the current road speed.
Yeah I already bump start. The thing is though I drive to work in the dark and home in the dark, so headlights on whole time. I use a kill switch on shifter so ignition stays on, blower motor, etc. Add that all up it will kill a cold battery fast. I can't see the FE advantage being worth buying new battery for.

I had an alternator shut off switch I ran in the summer, I could go 100+ miles with it off fairly easily before my voltage would hit 11.9volts. But now in the colder temps I drops quite rapidly. That is the reason batteries are rated Cold Cranking Amps.

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