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Old 01-13-2009, 05:13 PM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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For fuel filters it really depends on your vehicle. If you have an old old rig with a carb and a 20-30 year old gas tank then you might want to replace that filter when you do a tuneup. If its a newer vehicle that has a non-rusting tank (plastic etc) and a large screen on the pickup tube inside the tank then its pretty unlikely you'll need to replace the filter for a LONG time if ever. I replaced the filter on my 4runner when it hit 200,000 miles just in case that was part of a running problem I was wasn't though.

Clutch fluid (brake fluid) should be replaced every couple of years other wise you get condensation in the system. When you get in a situation where your brakes get hot (not common for hypermilers obviously) then the water in the system will turn to steam which makes your brakes perform poorly (completely fail in really bad cases). Also, the condensation (water) in the system will start to rust your internal brake parts like the master/slave cylinder bores in both the clutch and brake system.
One other thing, that dark color is actually the rubber parts in your hydraulic system wearing.
I replace my clutch and brake fluid every two years.
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