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Old 01-17-2009, 05:24 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by captainslug View Post
Perpetuating myths or misunderstandings about the efficacy or relative cleanliness of power generation options will only further delay adoption of Battery-Electric Vehicles.

You have to fess up to that now and weigh the risks and benefits of either shifting more transportation to being powered from the electrical grid, or leaving them as ICE drive trains that continue to produce pollution at higher levels than the grid would.

No, no it's not. At least not in the causation chain that is commonly suggested. The temperature records do not in any way show a causation between industrialization, global CO2 emissions, and temperatures records.

Global Meteorological trends are also far too complex for any single factor to be penultimately decisive. The natural ecology of this planet produces infinitely more CO2 than we ever possibly could.
Global warming as caused by us is not "fact".

And you need to learn how to use paragraphs.

You kind of just proved my point for me.
The emissions of power plants are far less toxic than the emissions of ICE motor vehicles. And the relative efficiency between fuel consumed, emissions produced, and energy output is not even comparable.

No matter what kind of power plant you are talking about, ICE drive train vehicles produce more emissions per KWh. And you're arguing about one particular type of power plant that accounts for only half of the power produced. And even though it accounts for half, that's still a half that's cleaner than any internal combustion engine made today.

What is there to argument here? This is a step towards lowered emissions. More money put towards the production of electricity also means more money towards researching and building more efficient power plants.

I don't think we were talking about irresponsibly high-impact land-clearing, but localized effects of power plant emissions or coal transportation.
captainslug,I think we need to clarify our vocabulary.With respect to CO2,"clean coal"remains an oxymoron.It is the carbon dioxide which is feared the most from coal-fired powerplants.Coal-gasification,or hydrogenation using I.G.Farbenindustrie Akteingesselschaft technology is also considered a dead end,as to water use,manpower,and cost barriers,as well as their CO2 implications.--------------- Their exists no myth with repect to Global climate change,and there is no climatologist or head of state who would today argue against its reality,and its association to anthropogenic CO2.It's your freedom to believe what you want,but I would offer that your current belief construct,is a fabrication of a journalistic prostitute,hired by the hydrocarbon lobby to fabricate this reality.-------------- The tip- off for this,is that this individual who fabricated the "myth" admitted to it on national television,has recanted,and says now that he firmly believes that what all the (tree-hugging,commie,pinko,faggot,environmentalists ) climatologists claimed is correct and bonafide by good science.-------- I personally harbor no ill will nor animosity towards coal-producing states nor the entire coal infrastructure.I do take personnally any threat to where I live for the sake of greed,avarice,and venality of a minority of drug users who'd plunder the entire planet for the sake of a buck.------------- I'll be happy to subsidize R&D of clean coal technology with my tax dollars and I hope they can make it all work.It would surely buy the planet some time,while we figure out if we're pro-life,or pro-a-few-people's -life,or pro-no-life,or whatever's honest.It's about the carbon dioxide.
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