Congrats to Sean T...winner of the 1st Ultimate Ecomodder Challenge! Sean T. and his Taurus outlasted Robbie and his Yaris by a score of 42.04 to 41.21. Both drivers consistently pulled tanks over their 90 day to make a run at the title! Way to go Sean T.
The announcement of Sean T.'s prize will be made very soon...details are being worked out as we speak...IMO it's a great prize!
FYI - If anyone wants to take the lead on the next tourney that would be cool. I had a great time refereeing this one but don't have alot of time on my hands over the next couple months to do the next one. Considerations to be made are whether to continue using the 90 day avg. or to use the suggestions from others on the fairest way to handicap the matchups (like using % over 90 day instead of using mpg difference in 90 day to add mpg's to the lower mpg car). We did not have any matchups throughout the entire tourney that using % over 90 day or % over lifetime that would have changed the outcome of a matchup.