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Old 01-19-2009, 08:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Emissions and wear and tear related to Eco-driving

I believe we all mostly assume that ecodriving tends to cut down wear and tear on a vehicle. We tend to not accelerate as hard, accelerate a lot less than 'normal' drivers, brake minimally and in general just not work the vehicle as hard.
Most of you know that California has fairly stringent emissions requirements. What you may not know is that all new cars in California must have a manufacturers guarantee that the emissions will be below a certain level for the first six years of the car's life. Hence the reason for this thread.

My Taurus turned six this year(not quite 60k miles) and today had its first smog test. It passed with flying colors I am happy to say. Not only that, the smog tech said it was probably the cleanest test he has ever seen.
I attached a copy of the actual readout.
Apparently there was no nox, only 1ppm HC and 0% of carbon monoxide output. The CO2 is of course still there.
I've been pretty easy on my vehicles for years now and with the additional ecodriving techniques perhaps even easier. I don't do anything special to the car--just basic change the oil, filter, etc. maintenance.

So what does everyone think? Is easy driving = less wear and tear = lower emissions?
Anyone else have comparable numbers? Or even comparison numbers?

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

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