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Old 01-19-2009, 09:54 PM   #3 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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( Can you please post a larger image of your printout, or type out the printout ? I can barely read it. )

I'd like to think that my emissions were really low, but I have my doubts. My car is a 1993 model and I believe it is listed as TIER 1, which is horrible.
Even brand new, my car was a smog machine, and we all know it hasn't gotten cleaner all by itself.

When I have my bellypan installed on my car, I assume that it results in a faster warm up time for the catylic converter and less emissions as a result.
Perhaps I can run an emissions test someday with, and without the bellypan.

Maybe we can start a post where we can all compare our emissions. I'd love to see how clean a new PZEV car is.

If I learned that my emissions were actually higher as a result of eco driving, I would drop it like yesterdays trash and start driving 'normal' again.

Sort of off topic ( but not that far ) has anyone noticed that the new Fit is rated as a LEV ? ( The same emissions rating as cars from a decade ago ) That makes me wonder why, because several cars that are out now ( even non hybrids ) are rated as PZEV.
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