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Old 01-20-2009, 12:51 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crexcrex View Post
I can readily see that inspite of countless experiments with vortex generators that this issue refuses to die a graceful death. Voretx generators do not work unless you are a delta winged fighter plane in the attack mode.
Vortex Generators do not work but the subject persists and it is probably due to various companies selling these easily knocked off plastic wedges for ridiculous prices.
Go ahaed and buy these ludicrous items whereas you can be putting the hard earned cash to work by filling your tank.Have you seen any high mileage vehicles using vortex generators? i hardly think so and if they did work i hardly think your vehicle or anyones elses can do mach 1 0r two...................good luck...........your loss is airtabs gain.
They do work and the Mitsubishi Lancer is proof. Unfortunately even when professionally done right by PhDs with a wind tunnel and extensive CFD simulation will get people only about 2% more mpg. The problem is the most people are not PhDs with wind tunnels and extensive CFD simulation results to guide them so they end up with a 5% loss in mpg.

If you are going to try this remember Airtabs were developed to use on big trucks with a bigger boundary layer due to their length. On a car its more than likely they will be far bigger than they need to be and cause drag.

The other vortekz type are going to require precise position and angle placement.

To get the best results you are probably better off fabricating your own because if they are too big they are causing drag. Don't attach them permanently until you know its working right. Remember that more is not always better. Also keep in mind that a significant improvement with just two will probably yield better results than perfect air flow with eight.
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