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Old 01-22-2009, 12:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Ford Festiva aero (or lack thereof)

Hi everyone,
I have an '88 Festiva, which as you may know is as square as the box it came in. I rarely do any driving that would be affected by any aero tweaks, such as highway speeds, but I am planning a cross-country trip in a few months and am thinking about what I can do to make it at least a bit smoother. On my last trip across country I averaged about 43 mpg, which is not bad considering the car was loaded with my belongings and so was carrying a good amount of weight (btw, 43 mpg is with a carburetor, and a 4-speed!). Without all the weight I would have gotten at least 50 m.p.g by past experience.

I have some modifications planned already, nothing too expensive but hopefully efficient. However I would like to hear what you guys have in mind. The money spent should be minimal, as it's only for this one trip.

Let the thinking begin!

If it has boobs or wheels, sooner or later you'll have problems with it.
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