Originally Posted by bennelson
Happy birthday Paul.
Something's coming your way.
Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday, Dear Pauuuuullll.... Happy birthday to me!!! Yahoo! Thank you, Ben!
Want to see a cool note? One of the bigwigs on the EVTech list wrote it to me. I needed some isolating material for the mosfet backs. (note: it wasn't a private email, but sent to the EVTech list)
If you need isolation material I can probably send some
for free. Let me know what you're looking for and I can send it your
Something like this,
sil-pad, gap pad, hi-flow thermal interface materials/home
I admire your homebrew efforts and I'm willing to support them.
I've sent free stuff to Lee Hart, Morgan LaMoore and many others.
I'm in a position to get free stuff since my designs sell millions of dollars worth of electronics at Ametek. Sometimes I ask for free stuff for other peoples projects and pass it along :-)